Tactile defensiveness and touch sensory sensitivity

Touch sensitivity is commonly reported by children or adults who experience sensory processing differences . Sensory integration trained occupational therapists would usually call this tactile sensory issue ‘tactile defensiveness‘.  Sometimes they may use the term ‘over-responsivity to touch’ or touch sensitivity but the terms mean the same thing.  It’s not just children that experience sensitivity with their sense of touch, tactile sensitivity can be experienced by adults as well.  In this article I will cover

  • A quick summary of tactile defensiveness

  • A longer explanation of tactile defensiveness (touch sensitivity)

  • Why touch sensory sensitivity occurs

  • How to help individuals who experience tactile sensitivity

hand running across a textured wall touch sensitivity

Tactile defensiveness and touch sensory sensitivity

Touch sensitivity is commonly reported by children or adults who experience sensory processing differences . Sensory integration trained occupational therapists would usually call this tactile sensory issue ‘tactile defensiveness‘.  Sometimes they may use the term ‘over-responsivity to touch’ or touch sensitivity but the terms mean the same thing.  It’s not just children that experience sensitivity with their sense of touch, tactile sensitivity can be experienced by adults as well.  In this article I will cover

  • A quick summary of tactile defensiveness

  • A longer explanation of tactile defensiveness (touch sensitivity)

  • Why touch sensory sensitivity occurs

  • How to help individuals who experience tactile sensitivity

Tactile defensiveness – Quick summary

Tactile defensiveness is a term used by occupational therapists to describe hypersensitivity to touch.  Individuals who experience touch sensitivity often say they are more bothered by things that touch their skin than others.  Sensitivity may occur with food textures, clothing or fabric textures, self-care tasks, and receiving a hug or kiss.  Or, it could be with specific items like paper, pencil or messy play.

Individuals who are sensitive to touch may respond by avoiding sensations or having a bigger reaction than would be expected by others.  For example, refusing to wear socks with seams because the seam or texture of the sock irritates their skin.  To date, there is no confirmed cause of tactile sensitivity but it is frequently reported by autistic individuals. Touch pressure and proprioceptive sensory input can help to reduce sensitivity to touch.  If you want to understand more, keep reading and watch the video below.

If you think your child experiences touch sensitivities and would to increase your understanding, sign up for Kim’s six day sensory sensitivity challenge. Six days, six emails, six ways you can support your child.

Kim gives a brief description of tactile defensiveness

What is tactile defensiveness?

Tactile defensiveness is a term used to describe the reaction that occurs when someone is very sensitive to touch. Someone who experiences tactile defensiveness will be more sensitive to touch compared to others. Often their skin is more sensitive to every day things clothing textures and hair brushing.  They may report that certain touch is painful.  Autistic children and adults frequently report tactile defensiveness. Here is some of the symptoms children and adults who experience sensitivity to touch may describe.

Tactile sensitivity symptoms

  • Being bothered by the feeling of certain fabrics or clothing textures

  • Dislikes socks, especially the seams and has a preference for the position of sock seams

  • Difficulty with wearing shoes

  • Avoidance of messy textures such as finger paint, glue and playdough; and sometimes dry textures like sand

  • Sensitivity or fussiness with food textures, including avoidance of mixed textures (e.g. lasagne) or foods with some lumps (e.g. yoghurt with fruit pieces)

  • Aversion to touch such as hugs and/or kisses (and might rub away kisses)

  • Difficulty with teeth brushing

  • Sensory defensiveness with haircuts and hair brushing

  • Sensitivity to touch when cutting finger or toe nails

  • Dislikes the feeling of or bothered by clothing tags

Understand your child’s sensory patterns

If your child is describing any of these symptoms and you are based in the UK, an online sensory assessment can help you to identify if your child experiences sensory sensitivities, including touch sensitivity.

The assessment will help you to understand the behaviours you seen and your child’s  underlying sensory need.  You can use the summary report to know what you can do to help your child.

You can complete the form online, and Kim will have the summary and suggestions back to you within 10 workings days of submission.  Click here to learn how you can start helping your child today with an online sensory assessment.

What causes tactile defensiveness?

The skin receives information from the skin about light touch, discriminative touch, touch pressure, pain, temperature and vibration. Each of these sensations give process different qualities of sensation and have different roles.  I explore these roles in more depth in our article on the touch system.  If you haven’t read this post, we recommend you read if first before reading any further.  It will help with your understanding of tactile sensitivity.

You can also learn more about the touch system in our free course ‘Introduction to Sensory Processing.’

Roles of the touch sensations

Light touch and pain typically warn the body about potential threats, so are often called ‘protective sensations’.  They are particularly sensitivity to touch.  Their sensory information is taken along a different nerve pathway to discriminative touch sensations.  (A nerve pathway is like a road that the sensory signals travel along to the brain.)

The protective sensations (light touch and pain) warn the brain that something has touched the skin, it may react immediately to protect the body.  After this, the brain then receives extra information from the discriminative touch pathway to let it know what that something was.

For example, if you touch something hot, the brain will immediately acknowledge the feeling of pain. As a result, the brain will make the body move your hand away.  Next, you will receive extra sensory information from the discriminatory touch pathway. This lets you know more about where the pain is and also that it feels like a burn.  The brain receives different sensory information from each pathway.

As another example, if your hair is dangling in your face, the first time it touches your face you might get a surprise.  You may not know exactly what the light touch sensation on your face was.  However, extra information about that piece of hair will then go through the discriminatory touch pathway or you might brush your hand on your face and this will let the brain know it’s just a piece of hair.  It is nothing to worry about and your brain will ignore it.  For individuals who are hypersensitive to touch or bothered by textures, the brains do not ignore these micro touch sensations.

Sensory Integration – a theory behind tactile defensiveness

Jean Ayres thought tactile hypersensitivity occurs because the brain pays too much attention to light touch and protective sensations from the skin. Instead of listening to the extra information available from the discriminative pathway, the brain keeps paying attention to the light touch and protective sensations.  These sensations are designed to alert the body to a problem or threat.  They are designed to keep the body safe.

Each time the brain receives a message from these pathways it initially thinks that something might be wrong. It gets ready to protect the body.  This is called a fight, flight or freeze response.  Jean Ayres thought that the brains of children and adults with tactile defensiveness interpret ordinary touch sensations, such as clothing textures or hugs, as a threat.  Their brains pay more attention to light touch sensations than the brains of children without touch sensitivity.

This helps to explain the behaviours that are seen in children or adults with tactile defensiveness.  Their responses to everyday touch can often result in meltdowns, arguments and avoidance.  This is because their brains are feeling that touch in the same way you might if you touched something hot or ran into a spider web. The everyday touch activates their brain’s protective system and triggers a fight, flight or freeze response. Some adults with touch hypersensitivity have also reported that certain everyday touch sensations feel painful.

Difficulty ignoring touch sensations

Children and adults who experience touch sensitivity may also find it more difficult to ignore touch sensations. A comparison would be the feeling of having a stone in your shoe, a stone that is very annoying and constantly drawing your attention until you take off your shoe and remove it.  For children or adults with tactile hypersensitivity, sometimes it is everyday touch that feels like the stone. This could be something like the tag on the back of their t-shirt, or the feel or texture of a certain fabric.  Their brains cannot ignore the feeling and they just need to get away from it, in the same way you want to remove the stone.

Mia’s story

Mia has always disliked having her hair done and going to the hair dresser has always been a struggle.  She is fussy with certain food textures, especially fruit or things with lumps.  Her mother has to shop very carefully for clothing and bed sheets as Mia often complains that texture of the fabric feel itchy on her skin.  She took much longer to play in the sand pit and with play dough than her peers.  Using glue is still a bit of a challenge as it’s so sticky! These are common examples of touch sensory hypersensitivity.

How can I find out if I am, or my child is, tactile defensive?

There is currently no formal test like a blood test or an x-ray to find out if someone is sensitive to touch.  Tactile defensiveness is also not a formal diagnosis your doctor can give you.  It can occur with other conditions such as autism or Asperger’s.  It can also occur alongside other sensory processing issues.

An occupational therapist is the best professional to seek advice from.  They will use questionnaires and observations, like Kim does in her online sensory assessment, to determine if it is likely a child or adult has tactile defensiveness.  A questionnaire, such as the Sensory Profile or Sensory Processing Measure, will give a score for how the child or adult responds to touch.  The therapist will also look at the individual questions to consider if these relate to touch sensitivity.

What can I do to help a child or adult with tactile defensiveness?

  • Warn the child prior to touching them – e.g. ‘Suzie I am just going to brush an eyelash off your face.’ / ‘John I am just going to fix your collar’

  • Use a firmer pressure when touching the child – don’t squeeze or hurt them but avoid being very light with your touch

  • Avoid tickling the child or adult.  Sometimes children with touch sensitivity will laugh when tickled, but watch that this isn’t a nervous laugh indicating they are uncomfortable

  • Heavy work can be a helpful strategy to help to support children with tactile sensitivity.  It is thought that the sensory inputs a child, or adult, receives from heavy tasks  helps to regulate their touch sense.  If you’re not familiar with heavy work, or need some ideas we discuss it further in our article – The Mystery of Heavy Work

  • Oral activities can also help with regulation, particularly chewing and sucking.  Kim explores a variety of oral activities at the bottom of this article Oral Sensory Seeking

  • Weighted products can be useful to help children to regulate

  • For some children, the Willbarger brushing protocol does make a difference.  This protocol uses brushes with stiff bristles to help decrease touch sensitivity.  It must be led by a trained occupational therapist and it is not the right solution for every child.  It is recommended that you discuss the most appropriate option for your child with their occupational therapist

Sensory Sensitivity – Six Day Challenge

If you think your child experiences sensory sensitivities and would to increase your understanding, sign up for Kim’s six day sensory sensitivity challenge.

  • Six days

  • Six emails

  • Six tips to help you to support your child

teacher sitting at computer text online sensory training

What else should I consider alongside touch sensitivity?

Touch sensitivity can often occur alongside other sensory issues, such as sound sensitivity and oral sensory seeking.  We explore other common sensory processing challenges in this article.

Relevant GriffinOT Resources to support touch sensitivity

If you are working with younger children or children with a cognitive age between 3-5, you may also find our book Sensory Group‘ helpful.  Sensory Group is a step by step weekly programme that targets tactile sensitivity, joint attention and turn taking.  It is a perfect resource for teachers working with children with autism or developmental delays who avoid messy play and show signs of tactile sensitivity.

Where to Next?

If you want to really understand the two touch pathways we recommend our free introduction to sensory processing.  This one hour online course explores all senses including touch in further depth.

To learn more about weighted products we suggest article Weighted blankets, benefits, precautions plus when and why to use them.

We also explore additional ideas for self regulation here Sensory regulation strategies – what are they and how can they help your child?

To learn more about sound sensitivity we would recommend this article Auditory Sensitivity: 3 Things You Should Know.

You may also want to read more about sensory processing and autism we explore this topic here ASD and Sensory Processing Disorder.


  1. Ayres, A.J. (1972). Sensory Integration and Learning Disorders.
  2. Lane, S. (2002). Chapter 4 Sensory Modulation in Sensory Integration Theory and Practice 2nd Edition by Bundy, Murry & Lane.

Photo Credits

  1. Hand on Stone – Elle Hughes from Pexels
  2. Mia – Photo by Eye for Ebony on Unsplash

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