Pencil grasp is a complicated affair
The way a child holds onto their pencil is often a focus of assessment in the early years. A mature pencil grasp supports pencil skill maturity and handwriting. The ‘dynamic tripod’ is considered the ‘Holy Grail’ of pencil grasps and something that all children are expected to achieve.
In this post I will explore

Pencil grasp is a complicated affair
The way a child holds onto their pencil is often a focus of assessment in the early years. A mature pencil grasp supports pencil skill maturity and handwriting. The ‘dynamic tripod’ is considered the ‘Holy Grail’ of pencil grasps and something that all children are expected to achieve.
In this post I will explore
The dynamic tripod
The reason the dynamic tripod is championed is because it provides the highest amount of pencil control for the least amount of muscle effort. This helps to facilitate speed of writing. The reason so much focus is put onto this grasp, in my opinion, is that it is because the other grasps are less efficient. In reality however, it is common to see a variation of this grasp in adults and children.
Let’s explore the stages of pencil grasp development, and some examples of functional and less functional grasps.
The stages of pencil grasp development
Pencil grasp, like all motor skills, develops in a sequence. Initially, the child uses a larger or gross grasp. As they get older, their pencil grasp matures. To be efficient with their pencil skills, the child also needs to be able to hold the paper steady with their other hand. There are four main stages that the child will progress through.
Gross or palmer grasp
To begin with, the child will use what is called a ‘gross grasp‘ or a ‘palmer grasp’. This is typical for a 12-18 month year old. The child will hold their pencil with their fist. They can make large movements and their colouring is not very controlled.

Digital pronate grasp
Between 2-3 years of age a child will start to use what is called a ‘digital pronate grasp’. This is where the child will turn their palm around so their little finger faces the ceiling. They continue to hold the pencil in all of their fingers, with it resting against their palm. The child begins to have more control over their pencil.

Static tripod
Around the age of 3 ½ to 4 years old the child will turn their hand over so their little finger faces their paper. They start with what is called a ‘static tripod grasp’. The pencil is held in between the tips of the thumb, index and middle finger, however the child controls the movement from their wrist and elbow. This is why it is called a ‘static’ tripod.

Dynamic tripod pencil grasp
In a ‘dynamic tripod grasp’ the pencil remains held in between the tips of the thumb, index and middle finger, as shown above. The index finger should be controlling the movement and the thumb and middle finger help with directional control. This finger movement is what separates a ‘dynamic tripod’ or ‘moving tripod’ from its less mature ‘static tripod’ or ‘still tripod’. The fingers are in the same position for both grasps, but when a child has developed dynamic control their fingers control the pencil movement.
Functional and mature pencil grasps
Most information and advice on pencil grasps champions the dynamic tripod grasp. The dynamic tripod grasp, as mentioned earlier, is when a child holds their pencil with their index and middle fingers and thumb. The pencil movement should come from the fingers, resulting in dynamic control or a dynamic tripod. There are, however, a few other grasps that are equally as functional.
Quadruped – dynamic
Research suggests that a ‘dynamic quadruped grasp‘ is as effective as a ‘dynamic tripod grasp’. In a quadruped grasp the child holds the pencil with their thumb, index, middle and ring fingers on the pencil. They tuck away the little finger. The child should still hold the pencil with the tips of their fingers, rather than their thumb being wrapped around. By the age of seven, the pencil movement should come from the fingers rather than their wrist. So, if you’re seeing this grip, mark it as mature.

Middle finger control
You may also see children with a tripod or quadruped grasp that control the pencil with their middle finger. Usually this is ok, as long as they have kept their web-space open and the movement is coming from their fingers. NB: The web-space is the flap of skin between the thumb and index finger.

Modified or alternative tripod pencil grasp
A final grasp which is less known, but highly effective for some children, is the ‘modified’ or ‘alternative tripod grasp’. With this grasp, the child puts the pencil between their index and middle fingers. They then curl these fingers and their thumb around onto the pencil. This feels very strange when you first try it! However, it takes the weight of the pencil, so for children with low tone it can be a good option. It also secures the pencil, so, if you let go the pencil, for the most part, stays in place.
Whilst this grip does look and feel quite strange, it is a good alternative as it means the child can use it on any pen or pencil, rather than needing to remember and or find a pencil grip. It can also be particularly effective for children who use a thumb wrap grasp if they are able to change to it.

Pencil grasps that are less functional
Children with poor fine motor skills will often find an alternative way to hold onto their pencil. This is usually because their fine motor skills are not matured enough when they first start holding onto a pencil. The reason these grasps are not ideal is because they don’t allow for optimal finger movement and control of the pencil.
Some common less functional grasps you might see are as follows:
Fingers along shaft
The child spreads all of their fingers along the shaft of the pencil and controls the pencil with their little finger. The child may also hook their index finger right around the top of the pencil. Children with low tone and hypermobility will frequently use this grasp. It is likely that this is because it is easier for them to keep a hold of the pencil and it gives them more control than a digital pronate grasp. It is not a very functional grasp though, as the child will never develop dynamic control from the fingers. This limits their pencil control and speed in the long term.

Thumb wrap
The second very common grasp is a ‘thumb wrap’. This is where the child starts off with a tripod but their thumb quickly wraps around their pencil and fingers. You may also see a thumb tuck, where the child tucks their thumb in, under their fingers instead of wrapping it over the top. Children using this grasp may complain of pain in the hand when writing for longer periods as they typically use more effort to control their pencil.

Lateral pencil grasp
Children might also use a more lateral grasp on their pencil. This means they will secure it along the side of their index finger, wrap their thumb around and control the movement by squeezing their hand, rather than moving their fingers at the joints. This grip, again, allows for very limited dynamic movement.

For younger children it’s essential to look at their underlying posture and fine motor skills. Sometimes they just aren’t ready to hold a pencil and they need more time.
What can I do to help a child who has an immature pencil grasp?
Firstly, you need to consider if a child has adequate fine motor skills. For younger children or children with developmental delays it is important to consider if they are ready to hold a pencil. The child also needs to be demonstrating an interest in mark making. They do not need to be Picasso, but they do need to be interested in holding a marker and watching the marks it makes. If the child is not at this stage, then you may want to start with: