A comprehensive occupational therapy support

In 2025, GriffinOT is launching our new subscription membership packages.  These packages will include access to ALL of our content.  Yes you read this correctly – everything! Members can learn about sensory needs, how to support fine motor skills or the easiest way to teach handwriting.  The membership also includes access to monthly Ask an OT sessions with Kim.  Members will have access to

  • Sensory Aware with GriffinOT (full course and updates)

  • All single topic training

  • Fine motor skills training

  • Write Rules handwriting package

  • Our fine motor programmes, including scissor skills and pencil grasp

  • Monthly live ‘Ask Kim’ sessions

Boy standing at bubble tube text Sensory Processing Disorder Training with GriffinOT

GriffinOT Membership Subscription Pricing

Membership is open to individuals and schools. The membership is an annual subscription.  When paying by credit card, the subscription will automatically renew on the anniversary of your first payment. We can issue invoices to schools, however please note due to the additional administration required, the minimum order for invoices is £200.

Who is the package designed for?

The GriffinOT membership is perfect for primary schools. The training is perfect for teachers and TAs.  Staff can use the resources to create programmes for their children.  The sensory resources will support you to create a sensory inclusive school.  The package will meet all of your universal and targeted occupational therapy needs.

Whilst the sensory content is relevant for secondary schools, the fine motor and handwriting sections of the package are less relevant for older children. If children still need help with their fine motor skills in secondary, Kim recommends that the focus is on functional skills like laundry, cooking, and cleaning, and to transition the child to an electronic recording option.

Single Purchase

  • 12 months’ access
  • Access to all training
  • Certificates included
  • Sensory Aware Training
  • Fine Motor Skills Training
  • Write Rules Handwriting
  • Fine Motor Skills Programme

Annual Subscription

  • Annual subscription
  • Renews annually
  • Complete OT support
  • Certificates included
  • Sensory Aware Training
  • Fine Motor Skills Training
  • Write Rules Handwriting
  • Fine Motor Skills Programme
  • Monthly support sessions

School Price

  • Annual subscription
  • 15 staff
  • Complete OT support
  • Certificates included
  • Sensory Aware Training
  • Fine Motor Skills Training
  • Write Rules Handwriting
  • Fine Motor Skills Programme
  • Monthly support sessions
  • Additional staff £10pp

What are participants saying about Sensory Processing with GriffinOT?

“This introductory course to SPD is perfectly pitched: it deals with very complex concepts in a clear, direct way which is accessible to all. I will be adding the full course to my team’s CPD. Many thanks to GriffinOT”


A comprehensive break down of everything sensory. This course takes you from zero to a hundred and explains everything along the way. I have so much knowledge now and feel ready to apply it all in the classroom.

Teacher, UK

An excellent, user friendly course. Very informative and taught in small sections to help understanding. Would highly recommend to both parents and school staff.

Teaching Assistant, Ireland

Amazing training that you can do at your own pace. Really easy to navigate and easy to go back and watch videos again if you are unsure of anything. I love that it shows you your progress.

Children's Support Worker, UK

“The material was clear and understandable, even being unfamiliar with certain terms prior to the course. The videos were engaging and real life examples aided in understanding the topic further.”

Teacher, UK

A clear and informative course. I learnt from every module, especially the neurology.  I highly recommend to anyone working in a special schools and ARPs, to have a more in depth understanding of our children. Thank you Kim, I thoroughly enjoyed the learning experience!

Teaching Assistant, UK

“I found this course really easy to follow and liked how you could stop and come back to the course over a period of time in order to complete it.”

Parent, USA

What’s included in the membership?

Boy standing at bubble tube text Sensory Processing Disorder Training with GriffinOT

Sensory Processing Awareness

At GriffinOT I want to help you to know how you can support sensory differences.  If you’re an educator or parent helping a child with additional sensory needs, or observing sensory behaviours you don’t understand then you are in the right place!  My Sensory Processing Awareness training courses and coaching are designed specifically for you.  You can read more here, but in summary the courses will

  • Expand your understanding of children’s sensory behaviours

  • Prepare you to support sensory processing differences

  • Give you the confidence to know you’re doing the right thing to help!

  • Teach you why some children might react differently to sensory inputs

  • Teach you how to use sensory support strategies successfully to help your child/ren/class

  • Help you to understand sensory processing disorder and autism/ASD

Supporting fine motor skill development

Fine motor skills are all of the small movements our hands and fingers make completing fine motor activities. Doing up buttons, squeezing toothpaste onto a tooth brush, and cutting with scissors are examples of fine motor activities. Handwriting is a fine motor skill children need to be successful with. In fact, any activity that you do with your hands and fingers relies on your these skills.

Our fine motor skills programme is designed to support children who may have skill delays.  It’s perfect for schools looking to train and support staff running fine motor groups and to help with poor handwriting.  It includes specific activities for handwriting, scissor skills and development of pencil grasp.  Each activity has been thoughtfully crafted by occupational therapist Kim Griffin.  There is clear progression and a focus on functional fine motor skills.  You can learn more about the fine motor programme here.

mother and child sitting and writing
children following videos for write rules learn to write

Write Rules – Making Handwriting Easy

Write Rules is the ultimate handwriting solution!  The complete two year programme (scheme of work) teaches children how to form and write their letters correctly.  It’s fun and engaging.  Best of all, it contains all of the resources teachers need to run the lessons.  All you need to provide are the children, pencils, paper, playdough and enthusiasm.  (You also need an internet connection and screen but we assume this is already in your classroom).  I

Write Rules is designed for reception (preschool) to year 2 aged children. You can learn more about Write Rules here.  If you’re working with older children who are still struggling with handwriting, Kim highly recommends a transition to electronic recording.

Details on our membership

The subscription gives access to all GriffinOT paid content, this includes occupational therapy supports for

  • Sensory needs
  • Handwriting
  • Fine motor skills
  • Gross motor skills
  • Dyspraxia
  • Monthly live Ask Kim sessions

School subscription

The school subscription provides access to fifteen (15) staff members. More places can be purchased for £10 per person on the same invoice. The primary contact at the school is responsible for distributing the access coupons to staff.

  • Each staff member must create their own account using the coupon solution.
  • It is important that staff are logged in on their own account when completing training so that they can keep track of their individual progress and also receive their completion certificates.
  • Staff can reset their password using the reset link if needed.

What does the training look like?

The training is all pre-recorded and online.  You can start at any time and progress at your own pace.  There are workbooks to help to enhance your learning.  And you can ask Kim questions in Levels 2&3.

Technical requirements

The training does not work on Internet Explorer as this is no longer supported by the training platform.  It displays well on Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla and Microsoft Edge (explorer replacement).  We recommend you watch the videos on a desktop computer for the best viewing computer.

Frequently asked questions??

This short video covers our most commonly asked questions!  If it doesn’t answer yours, please drop Kim an email.

Is there a trial membership?

Yes, there is a free trial which includes access to some of our content.  It does not include access to the live Ask Kim sessions.

Free Trial

  • Trial before you buy
  • Certificate included
  • Introduction to sensory processing
  • Trial of fine motor programme
  • First five weeks of Write Rules handwriting

What is the impact of the training?

Kim is continually monitoring the impact of Sensory Processing with GriffinOT.  She presented the results of pre and post knowledge questionnaires at the 2021 Children’s OT Conference (RCOT-CYPF) and the Sensory Integration Education Online Conference.  Preliminary results are showing positive trends in participant’s knowledge and confidence scores before and after the training.  They also indicate a huge gap between the number of people using sensory strategies and those who are accessing training (91% vs 26%).  This discrepancy in use and access to training motivates Kim to continue providing online resources.

You can read the full impact summary here.

Or, if you want to hear how the training helped Becky’s class, you can read her reflection here.