Feel your body change your body

Feel It Change It is the self regulation programme being released by GriffinOT in September 2021.  The programme will include:

  • An emotional regulation chart

  • Strategies to teach children how to identify how their body is feeling

  • Sensory and other regulation supports children can use to ‘change’ their state of arousal

  • Training for teachers to improve their understanding of regulation and arousal

  • A 20 week teaching curriculum for teachers

  • Evaluation and monitoring sheets

boy with jacket hood over head laughing text what is arousal
boy with jacket hood over head laughing text what is arousal

Feel your body change your body

Feel It Change It is the self regulation programme being released by GriffinOT in September 2021.  The programme will include:

  • An emotional regulation chart

  • Strategies to teach children how to identify how their body is feeling

  • Sensory and other regulation supports children can use to ‘change’ their state of arousal

  • Training for teachers to improve their understanding of regulation and arousal

  • A 20 week teaching curriculum for teachers

  • Evaluation and monitoring sheets

  • An emotional regulation chart

  • Strategies to teach children how to identify how their body is feeling

  • Sensory and other regulation supports children can use to ‘change’ their state of arousal

  • Training for teachers to improve their understanding of regulation and arousal

  • A 20 week teaching curriculum for teachers

  • Evaluation and monitoring sheets

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